Alternative Dispute Resolution

by | Mar 12, 2024

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Alternate dispute resolution processes such as negotiation, mediation and collaborative law may help you resolve property or parenting matters without the need to become involved in Court proceedings.


Negotiation can be a formal or informal process where parties seek to resolve disputes directly with each other, often with the assistance of legal representatives. Negotiations frequently take place through written proposals made between the parties and can also involve formal meetings known as mediations.

At Pigdon Norgate, we can facilitate negotiations between you and your former partner in collaboration with you. We can also advise you on your rights and entitlements in respect of both property and parenting matters to ensure that any agreements reached are in your best interests and those of your children.


Mediation involves a trained mediator acting as a neutral third party. The mediator works with you and your former partner to help resolve your issues on an amicable basis. This can be an informal or formal process which may involve your respective legal representatives.

At Pigdon Norgate, we can provide guidance to you throughout every step of the mediation process, including facilitating the exchange of disclosure and preparing you for the meetings. We can also assist you to formalise any agreements reached at mediation through Court orders or binding agreements to ensure final settlement of your matter.

Collaborative Law

Collaborative law is an alternate dispute resolution process which involves the parties and their legal representation entering into an agreement which provides that the legal representative must withdraw if an application is made to the Court. By electing not to go to Court an outcome can be reached which best meets the needs of the parties and their children without the underlying threat of litigation.

At Pigdon Norgate, our lawyers are trained in collaborative practice and can provide you with practical advice in respect of your legal entitlements throughout the entire process.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Put an expert on your side

At Pigdon Norgate, our lawyers are trained in collaborative practice and can provide you with practical advice in respect of your legal entitlements throughout the entire process.

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